They Routed the Rockies

The Province – Feb 3, 1945 They Routed the Rockies Railway Pathfinders Forged Steel Links from East With West By B.A. McKelvie Canada does not yet appreciate the immensity of…

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James Dunne Family

Told by Frances Dunn to Baeda Feuz for Golden Memories 1958 James Dunne – of Irish descent was born in Timaru, New Zealand. He came to the Columbia Valley in…

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McRae Family

William John McRae was the last of eight children of the marriage of Alex McRae and Jane Dey to migrate to British Columbia from the family farm in Glengarry County,…

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Golden Band Stand

Valley View Point by Chris Schiesser – May 6, 1970 Not many residents realize that Golden did possess both a band and a bandstand in its early prosperous days from…

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Calamity Curve

Calamity Curve Thomas and Susannah Smith By Thomas Smith I was born in Rebel stoke on April 22nd, 1932. My parents, Thomas and Susanna Smith came to Canada from Bedlington…

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Glacier Hotel

History of Glacier House Information compiled by Hedley Graham and John Marsh Completion of the Trans Canada Highway through the Selkirk Mountains, via Rogers Pass in 1962, has enabled thousands…

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Let’s take a look at the “Prohibition Act” in Canada. The dictionary definition of prohibition is: Forbidding; edict, order that forbids; forbidding by law of sale of intoxicants. It was believed that prohibition would reduce crime and corruption, solve…

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Some Golden Memories

Some Golden Memories By Elvin Meyers (for 2000 Golden Memories) Some of my earliest memories are of a farm near, Millet, Alberta and fortunately for me, there was a one-room…

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Wiper’s In Field, BC

In the summer of 1926, Peter Linton and his twin brother, David, were hired by the Canadian Pacific Railway to work as locomotive “wipers” in Field, B.C. There, Peter found his vocation and his avocation. He…

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